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current debt ratio中文是什么意思

用"current debt ratio"造句"current debt ratio"怎么读"current debt ratio" in a sentence


  • 流动负债比率


  • Current debt ratio
  • ( 4 ) the sustainable growth rate of a listed company is in inverse proportion to asset - debt ratio , but in direct proportion to current debt ratio as well as acid test ration ( 5 ) there is a positive correlation between the sustainable growth rate of a listed company and its profitability
    ( 4 )公司可持续增长率与资产负债率成反比,与流动比率、速动比率成正比。 ( 5 )上市公司的可持续增长比率与公司盈利能力正相关,即盈利率越高,可持续增长比率也越高。
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